Susan R. Cooper

Hi! My name is Susan Rogers Cooper and I've been writing mysteries since 1988, with the publication of THE MAN IN THE GREEN CHEVY, now available in e-book format right here at Amazon. I'm the mother of one and the grandmother of three, and spend as much time as possible playing with my grandchildren -- when my writing schedule allows, that is! I live in the Austin, Texas, area, and have been a resident of Texas most of my life. My father was a fourth-generation Texan, although my mother was a Yankee. She was forgiven for this -- eventually. I have about 25 books to my name, in three different series: my first born, Milt Kovak; E.J. Pugh; and Kimmey Kruse. Milt and I have been together the longest and I will admit to a slight crush -- although he started out older than me and now he's younger. I'm not sure how he did this. I need to learn that trick!